ControlPlayback( )
Plays a file, with the ability to fast forward
and rewind the file
Plays back a given filename (without the file
extension), while allowing the caller to move forward and backward
through the file by pressing ffchar and
rewchar. By default, you can use * and
# to rewind and fast-forward the playback of the file. If
stopchar is specified, the application will stop
playback when stopchar is pressed. If the file does
not exist, the application jumps to priority n+101, if
present (where n is the current priority number).
The skipms option specifies how
far forward or backward to jump in the file with each press of
ffchar or rewchar.
A pausechr option may also be
specified, which will pause playback of the file. Pressing
pausechr again will continue the playback of the
Returns -1 if the channel was hung up
during playback.
; allow the caller to control the playback of this file
exten => 123,1,ControlPlayback(tt-monkeys|3000|#|*|5|0)
See Also
Playback( ),